Friday, March 30, 2012

ABBA our scarf no 1 and 2

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 I got lucky enough to be able to buy two of these off a nice go in England. I sold one and was able tohold onto one for myself. S now all I need it the scarf that has the tour colours and stage design on it.  The red and whiteone  is the one I have been after for a long time I dont usually bother too much with international memorabillia but this scarf is too nice to not have really
Not that I have her yet she is making its way to the post office and getting ready for its long trip down to me

So if you have the nice tour scarf that I am looking for please send me a message to my email

Its just a shame that the Reg Grundy Co did not decide to do a nice tour scarf for the Australian leg in 1977. That would have been really special
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